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粵語流行音乐(英语:Cantopop),又名香港流行音樂,主要是指產生於香港的本土音樂,同時也用於指代音樂的創作、 製作和消費的文化背景。 粵語流行音樂深受多種曲風影響,包括爵士、搖滾、節奏藍調、電子、西方流行音樂等, 並擁有跨國的樂迷基礎,特別是东南亚國家和地區(包括马来西亚、新加坡、印度尼西亚、泰国等)。 一般說法粵語流行曲源於1930年代中期,但確切的源頭意见不一,有著不同的說法。惟初期的粵語流行曲脫胎自 粵曲中的小曲,乃不爭的事實。小曲是傳統粵劇的過場譜子,除原有的廣東譜子外,亦都套用易於上口的曲子, 填上粵語曲詞,以粵曲的唱腔及配樂出現 。


Music Genre : Music can be divided into different genres in many different ways. The artistic nature of music means that these classifications are often subjective and controversial, and some genres may overlap. A music genre or subgenre may also be defined by the musical techniques, the style, the cultural context, and the content and spirit of the themes. Geographical origin is sometimes used to identify a music genre, though a single geographical category will often include a wide variety of subgenres. Alternatively, music can be divided on three variables: arousal, valence, and depth. Arousal reflects the energy level of the music; valence reflects the scale from sad to happy emotions, and depth reflects the level of emotional depth in the music.


Song : A song, most broadly, is a single (and often standalone) work of music that is typically intended to be sung by the human voice with distinct and fixed pitches and patterns using sound and silence and a variety of forms that often include the repetition of sections. The word "song" is widely misused by people in the popular music industry to describe any musical composition, whether sung or played only by instruments."Written words created specifically for music or for which music is specifically created, are called lyrics.


Musical Instruments : A musical instrument is an instrument created or adapted to make musical sounds. In principle, any object that produces sound can be considered a musical instrument-it is through purpose that the object becomes a musical instrument. The history of musical instruments dates to the beginnings of human culture. Early musical instruments may have been used for ritual, such as a trumpet to signal success on the hunt, or a drum in a religious ceremony. Cultures eventually developed composition and performance of melodies for entertainment. Musical instruments evolved in step with changing applications


Sound of Nature : Natural sounds are sounds produced by natural sources in their normal soundscape. It is a category whose definition is open for discussion, see the section below. The category includes the sounds of any living organism, from insect larvae to the largest living mammal on the planet, whales, and those generated by natural, non-biological sources. In most respects, the natural habitats from which these acoustic sources emanate, are defined as not heavily impacted by human intervention. With all these sounds, it creates an acoustic space


Soundtrack : A soundtrack, also written sound track,[1] can be recorded music accompanying and synchronized to the images of a motion picture, book, television program or video game; a commercially released soundtrack album of music as featured in the soundtrack of a film, video or television presentation; or the physical area of a film that contains the synchronized recorded sound.
